+998 93 544 11 10
+998 98 311 60 11

  • +998 93 544 11 10
  • +998 93 544 11 10

What is GO MAX ?

Enterprise resource planning

Enterprise Resource Planning-enterprise resource planning! This is a system for automating and optimizing business processes and processes productions. Introduction of financial accounting, document management, accounting of raw materials, accounting for finished products. Control over personnel. Ability to see the entire work of the enterprise as a whole and conduct an analysis of its functioning its separate directions. The received information will allow you to correctly distribute the use of production facilities and accept right decision.

About project

The company was founded on the basis of the 2010 GOOD ONE IT SOLUTIONS project group. The development team of Uzbekistan began developing the system in 2014. During the development, the experience of foreign countries and projects such as SAP, 1C and other solutions for automating production processes was taken into account.

About project