Monitor and check your warehouse
Control production processes
A tool for managing production and production operations. Inventory of materials, components, and finished products in the warehouse. Assembly and disassembly. Write-off of materials and calculation of the cost of production
products. Production orders: planning needs for raw materials, supplies, and others.
The entire history of sales and revenue in one system
Purchases, sales, orders, contracts – all in one system!
Customer orders: processing, statuses, and reservations goods.
Invoicing, printing invoices and certificates of work performed.
Manage prices and discounts.
Quick start and management of any number of retail outlets.
Automated workplace of the seller: registration of sales, calculation of delivery, refunds, closing of shifts, sale of kits.
Works with any computer, laptop, netbook, or tablet.
Accounting and recounting of all materials, raw materials and products.
A simple and effective solution for managing material flows in the company. The program for accounting for raw materials from the GO MAX service has a large number of features. It helps you make purchases, control sales, and move materials in a warehouse, even at a distance, and provides only up-to-date information.
Debt data
Control of settlements with customers and suppliers.
Registration of payments, including in a foreign currency. Reports: settlements, cash flows.
Registration of debts of various customers and suppliers.
Customer relationship management system
Encourage repeat sales! Accounting for clients and contracts. Convenient directory of contractors and contact persons, custom fields.
All client data on one screen: the history of the relationship, the exhibited archive of documents related to the company's current liabilities and total sales.
Sales funnel for customers and orders.
Mobile version of the system for Android OS
Manage your business wherever it is convenient for you. Powerful Analytics in your pocket: remnants of goods based on the provisions and expectations,
data on sales and orders in figures and percentages, receipts and expenditures of funds, statistics on points of sale,
including indicators for cash shifts. You can choose the report period: for today, for a week, or for a month.